Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Pineapple #1

It's been TWO months!! March kinda slipped away from me as I just got a job offer and start in mid-April!! Luckily for me, my pineapple plants are doing well enough. I just hope the yellowing doesn't mean it's dying! (I did end up doing some weeding though...)

Pineapple #2 ~ 9 months

The green onions ended up flowering and growing ridiculously tall! How cool is that?!?! Also, it seems my pineapple plant isn't getting any greener. :( As you can tell, it IS still growing larger despite it's yellowish color though. I think it's doing well enough... I hope.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Pineapple #1

Still growing strong! :D:D:D

Pineapple #2 ~ 7 months

The green onions are still growing like crazy. :) However, my pineapple plant seems to be getting even more yellow. I hope it's ok!!!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Pineapple #1

This pineapple is still growing strong despite it's browning tips and slightly yellowish leaves. It's probably due to Cali's winter weather. Additionally, the apple has disappeared. I suspect it is a squirrel's doing. Not sure if you can see it, but a leaf was ripped in half. Maybe I should move that bench away from my plant.....

Pineapple #2 ~ 6 months

Well, the green onions are definitely growing... The pineapple plant is also growing surely but slowly. PS: the apple doesn't seem to be doing anything either.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Pineapple #1

Another update on my pineapple plant. It is still growing as strong as it can during California's winter. I've placed a small withered apple in the middle. But, I don't expect much of anything from it since it is a small and withered apple. Also, I think the pineapple plant is supposed to be covered to keep the ethylene gas from the apple in and thus hasten the flowering process. But, we'll see....